Friday, July 8, 2011

Powder Room Reno: Day 0.25

The first injury of this renovation project! Woot! What's it from, you ask? Trying to remove the supply line from the toilet. Let me explain...

I was feeling all confident and secure in my abilities (always a bad sign) and decided to get a head start on this renovation. I figured, "Hey, I can at least get the toilet out today." Uh huh, yeah, that was my first mistake. I really think that I should know better by now - anything I assume will be easy will be difficult and anything I assume will be difficult will be relatively easier. So, since the last toilet removal went so swimmingly ( know what I mean), I figured it wouldn't be so bad or take so long. Well, look at this nasty thing:

It is not going without a fight, I tell you. I have everything else loosened and ready to go except that stinking supply line. I finally decided to throw in the towel (literally) and call it a day, and I will call in for some reinforcements with less delicate hands than I, it appears.

I will give a parting shout-out, however, to the Turkey Baster. Once again, the turkey baster is the best friend to the toilet remover, removing the leftover water in the bowl and tank so as to avoid an icky mess on the floor and one's hands. Unfortunately, I didn't seem to save the last toilet/turkey baster from the last bathroom renovation so I had to use the one for Thanksgiving. Needless to say, I'm going to need to go out and buy a new turkey baster before November.

1 comment:

sarah said...

Hey - good start! I've been remiss in blogging but we've also been doing a bathroom in our basement (and bedroom). I'll have to post something new - thanks for the inspiration!

p.s. - I have no idea how anyone could possibly be patient enough to get that toilet out of that tiny space, so kudos!