Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hooray! Last room of wallpaper to be destroyed today!

After several months of wallpaper scraping in our 1900 sq ft house, the final room of wallpaper will be taken down today. I am so happy to see it go and know that it will all be gone from our house - for-ev-ah!

We're also moving along on planning for our low-scale kitchen renovation. While we're pretty sure about the Ikea countertops and painting the kitchen cabinets, we're very torn about the flooring issue. While we really want cork plank flooring, it is a bit spendy ($700). When we look at short term alternatives, such as vinyl tile, it's really only a few hundred less ($300-$400), making us think we should wait and get what we want. I just don't know how much longer I, or the cat, can stand looking at that ugly 1970's harvest gold vinyl floor.

The other debate we've been having is about the ceiling. As I think I mentioned, when they renovated the kitchen in what can only be assumed the 1970s, they decided to put a drop ceiling in. For whatever reason, they smashed out the plaster when they did it. So we need a new ceiling. I think it would make the most sense to just put up some drywall (and it would be the cheapest) but then we'll need to think about what kind of lighting we want to replace the two fluorescent fixtures with. We're leaning toward some of the cool newer track lighting to give us some directable light and to save some money so we don't have to hire an electrician (I hope) least the people on HGTV didn't need to!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

HGTV is a wonderful place to learn all about our homes,(new and old) isn't it? It really gives one confidence to tackle their own projects.

I can't believe you had as much wallpaper as you did. If I end up getting 'my' foursquare, at least that will not be something I have to worry about....All the rooms have been painted a cream color, but there are several cracks in the plaster walls. It's always something...